Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week of February 10th


We had a great time of fellowship at Five Guys today. Our next class activity will be in March at the Ethridges' home.

Supper club leaders for the month of February: Be making plans in getting your groups together for the month of February. I have heard from many of you on how great your supper clubs have gone. Let's keep it up and get to know others in our class!

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Sessions' - boy - due in Feburary
Dan & Karla Mathis - ???? - due in July - Update - Dan and Karla found out the baby's gender on Monday - they are tickled pink!!!

Lessie Williams received good reports after her reaction to medication.

Justus, Aubrey and Robin's baby, is having breathing difficulties. He will be tested for RSV.

Wade Curtis Scharff, David and Cheri's newborn nephew, was taken to the hosptial on Wednesday when his fever spiked. He has returned home.

Brennan Eckerd, 12-week old son of a friend of Jennifer Jones, is in the hospital with complications.

Be in prayer for Alicia Blevins - she has some personal and job related issues.

Remember the family of Karen Smith, who passed away this week from cancer. Karen's son is Eric's former boss and friend.

Emily Buffat went home this past week.

Zach Baile had a relapse but came home on Friday.

Be in prayer for Ann Tubbs, the woman who came forward in church this morning.

Pray for all the teens and those in our class who will be traveling to Winterfest next weekend. Pray that lives will change this incredible weekend.

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