Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pics from Pumpkin Carving Party

Here are a few pics of the Pumpkin Carving party this past Saturday courtesy of John Wright. If any of you have any more pictures, e-mail them to and I'll get them on as soon as possible.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Week of October 28th

Prayer Requests

Be in prayer for Casey's father who was diagnosed with lymphoma. Also pray for Casey to have strength in her daily walk.

Gary Davis, Lindsay's uncle, is recovering from a stroke and is in poor health.

Aubrey and Robin will be traveling to Texas the week. Pray also for Robin's pregnancy.

Jim Guider, friend of Jayme, has a brain tumor.

Pray for Mike Gurganus and his health. Many in our class know him and his family.

Donna Jackson, co-worker of Chris, has a brain aneurysm.

Be in prayer for Art & Rebecca's upcoming wedding. Art is also looking for a job in Chattanooga.

Susan Pirtle, sister-in-law of Paul and Penny, will be having surgery this week.


John and Melissa want to thank everyone who came out Saturday night for the Pumpkin Carving. Pictures will be posted soon on the blog.

Let me know of any updates on prayer requests and announcements and I will post them ASAP! Have a great week!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week of October 21st

Pumpkin carving will be at John and Melissa Wright's home on October 27th at 6:00pm. Please bring an appetizer or dessert and something to carve your pumpkin with.
Jamie Dills' baby shower will be Sunday, November 4th from 4:00-5:30pm.
Date night is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd. Please sign up in class.
Prayer Requests
Mr. Guider, friend of Jayme Dills, is having surgery this week.
Casey Kiel's father had a lump removed last week. He will find out the results of his biopsy this week.
Janice Robertson will be having hip replacement surgery in the next few weeks.
Jacob Campbell's father, Larry Campbell, is at home in Hospice care with throat cancer. Jacob and his wife occasionally come to our class.
Penny Pirtle's co-worker's daughter passed away. Her name was Megan Knight.
Pray for all of our marriages.
Please e-mail me for any updates on announcements or prayer requests at I will make sure and get the updated information on the blog ASAP.
Have a great week!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Welcome To Our New Website!

Greetings Life Changers! We have decided to start a blog to keep each other informed of any prayer requests, praises, and announcements our class has. We will post the prayer requests and announcements we have on Sundays and if there is any updated information during the week, please e-mail it to us at In the meantime, please feel free to visit the blog as often as you'd like.
Also, if any of you guys might be interested in posting a devotional thought, just let us know. It would be great having a different author every week. Plus, we can also have some discussions on the posts we have available.
Please send us any updated information during the week and we will get it on the blog ASAP. Have a great week everyone!