Monday, September 1, 2008

Week of August 31st


Be making your plans for your September Supper Club! The following are the assigned groups for September. Organizers and hosts, be sure and contact your group in the next few days to plan a day to have it.
*Brewer, Richardson, Schwieter
*Wiseman, Pirtle, Taylor
*Sessions, Fowler, Robertson
*Wright, Delk, Edmonds

Baby shower for Amber Robertson will be this Thursday, September 4th. It will be held at Macaroni Grill at 6:30pm. Please RSVP to Gilly Wiseman if you can make it:

September 21st will be our class get-together at Pizza Hut after our class.

Sign up sheet went around today for Date Night, September 6th. If you haven't signed up yet, RSVP to Tessa at or Kimberly Overberg at

Sign up sheet went around for fixing coffee and goodies for class.

Wade Scharff Memorial Golf Tournament will be Saturday, September 20th in Spartenburg, SC. If you have any questions about it, see David Scharff.

The Bloodmobile will be at church next Wednesday night. If you can give blood, please sign up at the info desk.

Art & Rebecca Taylor has tickets to tonight and tomorrow's Lookouts game. If you are interested in getting them, please let them know:

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Brumfields - girl - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy&girl) - due in December
Richardsons - ???? - due in February
Schwieters - ???? - due in March

Be in prayer for Joey Hogan - he is at home with a hurt back.

Have a blessed week!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Week of August 24th


A sign up sheet went around for those who would be willing to make coffee & bring goodies to class.

Baby shower for Amber Robertson will be Thursday, September 4th. It will be at 6:30 at Macaroni Grill. Please RSVP to Gilly Wiseman if you can make it. (

A sign up sheet went around for Date Night (for those who wish to use it).

The Wade Scharff Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, September 20th in Spartenburg, SC. Wade was the father of David Scharff and Cheri Erhridge who died last year in an industrial accident. If you would like more info, see David.

Our next class get-together will be Sunday, September 21st at Pizza Hut. We will head over there right after class.

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Brumfields - girl - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy&girl) - due in December
Richardsons - ???? - due in February

Be in prayer for Ryan & Regina McCrea, friends of mine from college. Ryan was in a car accident Friday evening heading home from work. He's in ICU. Update - Ryan is now out of ICU but in a considerable amount of pain. His condition hasn't improved but it hasn't gotten worse either. The doctor thinks his recovery could take weeks. Be in prayer for this family as Regina is a lawyer with a heavy work load and has a baby due in October.

Robin Wood's father will be having hand surgery this week.

Ginger Dennis' son will be having surgery this week. Ginger is a friend of Penny Pirtle and used to attend East Brainerd.

Be in prayer for the RHEMA ministry that Rob Hatchett and Rachel Parker are heading up.

Pray for the Davis family. They have two daughters and both have cancer. Mr. Davis is a co-worker of Chris Richardson's.

Have a blessed week!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Week of August 17th


The Wade Scharff Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, September 20th in Spartenburg, SC. They are calling for 4 man teams with a cost of $60 per person. There are sponsorship donations as well. If you have any questions, contact David Scharff.

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Brumfields - girl - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy & girl) - due in December
Richardsons - ???? - due in February

Praise! Penny Pirtle is doing much better and was in class today.

Another praise! James and Lessie Williams have moved back and were also in class today.

Rebecca Pearman's friend from Nashville, Karen, will be having open heart surgery soon.

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week of August 10th


Steve Swinea needs some help working in the sound booth during worship. If you can help him out, see Steve or Brandon Wagoner.

Small Group sign up continues.

Date Night sign up for volunteers went around today. There is a shortage this month on volunteers so if you can help out next week 5-8:30, please contact Kimberly Overberg at If they can't find enough volunteers, they will cancel date night for the month. They may also be in the position where they need to forgo the ministry all together. If you can give up one Saturday evening a year to watch our children, all parents would be very appreciate!

A sign up sheet also went around for Date Night partcipants. If you want a Date Night on Saturday evening, be sure and sign up or let Kimberly Overberg know.

James and Lessie Williams will be back in Chattanooga either today or tomorrow. They may need help to move in since Lessie is weak. Maria Sessions plans to call Sarah Beth and see if there is anything we can do to help. Maria will let us know.

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy and girl) - due in December
Richardsons - ???? - due in February

Pray for Rebecca Pearman's friend in Nashville, who she has been staying with while she is on bedrest (her friend, not Rebecca). Because of this, Rebecca's shower will probably be scheduled after she has her baby.

Ginger Mullins, Joe Delk's friend who recently had a baby, is doing much better. Praise God!

Continue to pray for Penny Pirtle. She's been recovering this weekend and should have an MRI in a few weeks after the inflammation has gone down.

Pray for baby Keegan. Gilly Wiseman took a hotline call at work and the baby's parents are apparently drug addicts and they are putting the baby in danger.

Pray for David Sessions brother. He broke his arm and is in quite a bit of pain.

Be in prayer for our parents, teachers, and students as many schools start up this week.

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Week of August 3rd


Baby shower for Tammy Bramlett will be this Tuesday, August 5th. It will be at Carabba's and it will start at 6:30. If you haven't RSVPed yet, please let me (Stephanie) know if you plan to come.

Our next class get-together will be next Sunday, August 10th at Plaza del Sol right after Bible class.

Sign up sheets went around today for volunteers for date night for the next 5 months.

A card and monetary donation envelope also went around today for the family of Judy Payne. She was the woman who's body they found at Cloudland Canyon. Her husband, Mark, is a co-worker of Aaron Mercer. Aaron says that the family is in financial need right now. If you didn't get a chance to donate any money for this family, see Aaron Mercer.

It's time for August supper clubs! Be making your plans to get together with your groups. The list is beside the board but here are the group assignments again if you need them:
*Wright, Sessions, Richardson
*Pirtle, Brewer, Fowler
*Robertson, Delk, Taylor
*Schwieter, Wiseman, Edmonds
*denotes organizer/host

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy and girl) due in December
Richardsons - ???? - due in February

Be in prayer for Jimmy & Ginger Mullins. Ginger recently had a baby and she has had to be put in ICU. The baby is fine. Jimmy is a former roommate of Joe Delk.

Continue to pray for Jon & Ginger Dennis' baby. He is now 6 months old but only weighs 14 lbs. He will be having GI surgery in the next few months.

Robin Wood's dad has returned from Africa - praise God!

James and Lessie Williams are moving back to Chattanooga. A praise but be in prayer that the move goes smoothly for Lessie.

Be in prayer for our teachers and students returning to the classrooms soon. Also, remember our graduating seniors as they go off to college, work, service, etc.

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week of July 27th


A big thanks for everyone who participated in VBS to make it a success. Special thanks to all our thespians who did an awesome job with our skit. We left our mark by putting a hole in the wall - thanks to Paul Pirtle & Eric Schwieter :)

Brandon and Julie Wagoner set up a video of our VBS skit on their website. Go to and click on "movies."

Tammy Bramlett's baby shower will be Tuesday, August 5th. We'll meet at Carrabba's at 6:30pm. Please RSVP to me (Stephanie) if you haven't done so.

Our class will be going to Plaza del Sol for lunch on Sunday, August 10th after bible class.

Prayer Requests

Baby Watch!
Bramletts - boy - due in September
Pearmans - boy - due in September
Robertsons - boy - due in October
Scharffs - girl - due in November
Delks - twins (boy & girl) - due in December

Rebecca Taylor will be taking the BAR exam on Wednesday and Thursday.

Remember the group of teens and adults at TREK in Colorado.

Be in prayer for Ryan Landrum, a young boy with a staph infection. His guardian and grandmother is going through chemo treatments for breast cancer.

We also prayed for Carter Fowler this morning. He was participating in a motorbike race.

Have a blessed week!